Call for Chapters – Eco-ability book connecting disability and animal oppression
Call for Chapters for eco-ability book on connecting nonhuman animal and disability oppression. Eco-ability is the primary interdisciplinary field and intersectional movement that relates animal, environmental and disability justice together. Eco-ability studies and movement has developed journal issues, books, conferences, videos, and events. It is important to use one name and discipline to grow and have a unified organized message and theory. The book will be published by Peter Lang Publishing.
The book is interested in topics that include, but not limited to:
- Animals with disabilities
- medical industrial complex
- Animal Abuse and disability abuse in the household
- Murder of those with disabilities and animals
- Rape and Sexual Assault related to animal and disability abuse
- Stigmatization of labels
- Legal protection of those with disability and animals
- Animals and disability represented in media
- Animals and disability social movements
- Animal and disability
- Animals and disability equity and justice
- Critical animal studies and critical disability studies
- Critical animal pedagogy and disability pedagogy
Format of Chapter:
- APA style
- No headers
- No footers
- No footnotes
- No endnotes
- 12 point font
- 1 inch margins
- Double spaced
- Times Roman font
- No cover page
- No page numbers
Deadline October 1, 2019 for submissions
- Title
- Biography 80 to 100 words third person in one paragraph
- Abstract 200 to 250 words
Send to: Dr. Anthony J. Nocella II – subject line “Critical Animal Criminology book”