Radical Animal Studies and Total Liberation Book Series

book series logo designed by Anthony J. Nocella II in 1997

This rigorous award-winning popular peer-reviewed scholarly affordable book series of books selling in paperback around $30.00 to $50.00 is pushing for a new subfield of critical animal studies. One that is grounded in radical pedagogy and transformative holistic discourse. This series is dedicated to radical scholarly work that engages in social justice and total liberation.

Click here to see the list of published book.

If you would like to submit a book prospectus to this series. Send it as a Word Doc. of about 15 to 25 pages with (1) Cover page, (2) Table of Content, (3) Audience, (4) Length of Book, (5) Competition, (6) Biographies, (7) Description, (8) Courses that would use this book, (9) Marketing, and finally (10) Importance of this book.

Submit to: Dr. Anthony J. Nocella II – nocellat@yahoo.com

