Annual Fellows

Fellows Program



Every year ICAS offers recently graduated researchers the opportunity to enroll as Postdoctoral Fellows. As such, they will be encouraged to present lectures and lives, publish, and assist in the organization of events. Candidates must have an expertise in the field of Critical Animal Studies, which means their proposals must necessarily involve activism.
The goal of this position is to help junior and recently graduated researchers promote their findings and experiences, and interact with scholars from across the discipline. Thus, candidates should not hold a Full-time Professor position or another Fellows position.
All ICAS directors and collaborators are volunteers. The Institute, therefore, does not offer scholarships.
The program is open to Postdoctoral Fellows from all over the world.

The position is a one year appointment.

If you would like to apply, please send 1) a letter of interest, including a short biography; 2) a research prospectus; 3) your resumé/CV; 4) your full contact information (name, phone-number, e-mail, address) to Dr. Ângela L. Rodrigues at .

The deadline for submission is September 30th. 

2024 and 2025 ICAS Fellows

2020 and 2021 ICAS Fellows

Isabella LaRocca González
Isabella LaRocca González is an artist, educator and activist working primarily with photography and motion pictures. Her work is part of a long tradition in photography: to bring to light and find beauty in the disregarded, hidden, unconscious, or commonplace. Awards for her work include the Ferguson Grant from the Friends of Photography in San Francisco, and CA for excellence and commitment to the field of photography. Her photographs have been exhibited throughout the United States, including a solo show at the Center for Photography in Woodstock, NY. The work La Rocca creates and exhibits is deeply informed by her intersectional social justice animal liberation activism. In addition, animal advocacy organizations she has provided pro bono still and motion picture photography for include Free From Harm, Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary, Millacayohtl/Seed the Commons, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Berkeley Animal Shelter, Oakland Animal Shelter, Global March for Elephants and Rhinos, Factory Farming Awareness Coalition, National Animal Rights Day, Earth Hour San Francisco, Duo Duo Project, Direct Action Everywhere, Farm Sanctuary Walk for Animals, and Goatlandia Animal Sanctuary.

Will Boisseau (England)
Areas of Interest
1. Anarchism
2. Intersectionality
3. Total Liberation
4. Speciesism
Will Boisseau
completed his doctorate at Loughborough University in 2015. His research focuses on the place of animal rights within the British left, particularly on the relationship between the anarchist/direct action and legislative wings of the movement. His work explores the class and gender issues influencing this relationship, the marginalisation of animal rights in mainstream labour politics and a range of concepts including speciesism, total liberation, critical animal studies and intersectionality. Will is currently involved in trade union politics in the UK.


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Dr. Simon Springer
Simon Springer is Professor of Human Geography, Head of Discipline for Geography and Environmental Studies, and Director of the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at the University of Newcastle, Australia. His research agenda explores the geographies of neoliberalism, violence, and power. He cultivates a cutting edge theoretical approach to his scholarship by foregrounding a radical revival of anarchist philosophy, which includes challenging human supremacy and the violence of speciesism. Simon’s books include Fuck Neoliberalism (PM Press), The Anarchist Roots of Geography (University of Minnesota Press), The Discourse of Neoliberalism (Rowman & Littlefield), Violent Neoliberalism (Palgrave Macmillan), and Cambodia’s Neoliberal Order (Routledge). His edited books include The Handbook of Neoliberalism (Routledge), The Handbook of Contemporary Cambodia (Routledge) and the Anarchism, Geography and the Spirit of Revolt trilogy (Rowman & Littlefield). He is currently working on two edited volumes entitled Vegan Geographies and Undoing Human Supremacy.

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Dr. Marek Muller

S. Marek Muller is an Assistant Professor of Rhetorical Studies at Florida Atlantic University. Her work is at the nexus of environmental communication, critical intercultural communication, and rhetorical studies. Specifically, she is interested in the rhetorical constructions of “humanity” and “animality” as they are used in the service of human and nonhuman animal oppression and liberations.


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Z. Zane McNeill
Z. Zane McNeill is an indepedent scholar-activist whose research focuses on queer ecologies, socially engaged art, politichoreography, and critical geographies. His writing on anti-speciesism and consistent anti-oppression has appeared in Sentient Media, Animal People Forum, Crip HumAnimal, Animals in Society, and the Vegan Feminist Network. Their co-edited collection with Julia Feliz, Queer and Trans Voices: Achieving Liberation Through Consistent Anti-Oppression, was recently published with Sanctuary Publishers. He also has forthcoming collections coming out concerning anti-carceral veganism and queerness in Appalachia.