VOLUME 12, ISSUE 1, 2014


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VOLUME 12, ISSUE 1, 2014



PDF – JCAS Vol. 12 Issue 1, 2014



Pg. iv-v






The Elephant, the Mirror, and the Ark: Rereading Lacan’s Animal Philosophy in an Era of Ontological Violence and Mass Extinction
Hub Zwart
Pg. 1-32



The Analogy Between the Holocaust and Animal Factory Farming: A Defense
Corinne Painter
Pg. 33-62



Eating Animals at the Zoo
Sabrina Brando and Jes Lynning Harfeld
Pg. 63-88



“Where is the Seat for the Buffalo?”: Placing Nonhuman Animals in the Idle No More Movement
Adam J. Fix
Pg. 89-119





Ecology and Environmental Humanities Symposium (September 13-14, 2013)

Sarah Bezan
Pg. 120-122



What Do You Know about Ag Gag Laws? Featuring Matthew Dominguez and Katie Jarl from the Humane Society for the United States (October 15, 2013)
Larry A. Butz
Pg. 123-129



Pg. 130-132
