VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 (2012)
About JCAS Issues Submit Editorial Team
ISSN: 1948-352X
Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012
_______________________ EDITORAL BOARD _______________________
ESSAYS _______________________
Revealing the “Animal-Industrial Complex” – A Concept & Method for Critical Animal Studies? _______________________
Psychoanalysis & “The Animal”: A reading of the metapsychology of Jean Laplanche _______________________
The Dialectical Animal: Nature and Philosophy of History in Adorno, Horkheimer and Marcuse _______________________
Fishing For Animal Rights In The Cove: A Holistic Approach to Animal Advocacy Documentaries _______________________
From the Mortician‟s Scalpel to the Butcher‟s Knife: Towards an Animal Thanatology _______________________
POETRY _______________________
‘A Death’ and ‘Righteous’ _______________________
POSTER _______________________
Queering Veganism: Adventures in Reflexivity _______________________
INTERVENTION _______________________
Challenging Whiteness in the Animal Advocacy Movement _______________________
INTERVIEW _______________________
Dr. Kim Socha, author of Women, Destruction, and the Avant-Garde: A Paradigm for Animal Liberation. _______________________
CONFERENCE REVIEW _______________________
“Eating Meat. The Social Relationship of Humans and Animals and the Meaning of Meat.” Conference Organized by the Group for Society and Animals Studies at the University of Hamburg, July 2011 _______________________
The 2nd Annual European Conference for Critical Animal Studies: “Reconfiguring the ‘Human’/’Animal’ Binary – Resisting Violence” Prague, October 2011 _______________________
Conference Proceedings Report: Anarchy and Animal Liberation Workshop _______________________
FILM REVIEWS _______________________
Reconsidering Representations: Animals in children’s films and possibilities for animal advocacy _______________________
Rio _______________________
Kung Fu Panda 2 _______________________
Puss in Boots _______________________
Rango _______________________
Bold Native _______________________
BOOK REVIEW ESSAY _______________________
Accounting for the Women of the Animal Rights Movement. _______________________
BOOK REVIEWS _______________________
Richard Twine (2010) Animals as Biotechnology: Ethics, Sustainability and Critical Animal Studies, Earthscan: London _______________________
Lisa Kemmerer (Ed.) (2011) Sister Species: Women, Animals, and Social Justice. University of Illinois Press _______________________
Paul Waldau (2011) Animal Rights: What Everyone Needs to Know, Oxford University Press: Oxford _______________________
A REFLECTION _______________________
Marti Kheel _______________________