ICAS Africa
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Dr. Les Mitchell is the Director of the Hunterstoun Centre of the University of Fort Hare, South Africa and is a Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. He has worked in the U.K., Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, and South Africa. His research interests are critical realism, non-human animals, discourses, power, hierarchy, genocide, moral disengagement, and alternatives to violence.
Aragorn Eloff is a supporter of animal liberation and a proponent of anarchism and radical environmentalism. He is an independent researcher and activist with a particular interest in the application of poststructuralist, neo-materialist and anarchist ethical philosophy towards analysing and dismantling all forms of oppressive social and ecological relations based on inculturated practices of hierarchy, exploitation and domination.
Dr. Nadia Sanger works as a research specialist at the Human Sciences Research Council in Cape Town. Her research interests include post-colonial feminist theory, constructs of identities, and the multiple intersections between gender, race, species, and sexuality in fiction, non-fiction and popular culture. Nadia’s most recent research includes a book project that explores the relationship between human beings and other animals in post-apartheid South Africa through the lens of postcolonial theory. The book seeks to begin a conversation on what is possible, in theory and practice, when we extend selected feminist post-structuralist thought, and postcolonial theory, to engage questions on ‘species difference’ in a post-apartheid space.
Sarah Smith lectures in Legal Philosophy at the University of South Africa. She has published articles in the fields of feminism and animal liberation. Her current research looks into the potential of social networks as a teaching tool for open distance learning. She sits on various South African animal interest think tanks and organised the conference Animals in Law and Society: Perspectives from Africa and Beyond. She is also a member of the International Fund for Africa a non–profit corporation committed to preventing, alleviating, and abolishing suffering of human and non–human animals.
Colleen Mollentze is a psychology honours student, long-term vegetarian and vegan. Believes strongly that animal advocacy and direct action should be supported by a strong theoretical framework. Particular interest in the problems of anthropocentrism, the intersect between animal rights and human rights, as well as the links between animal cruelty and violence towards humans. Spends many hours both online and in real life promoting veganism and animal rights ideology. Blogger for Penton Independent Pagan Media.
Luis Cordeiro-Rodrigues holds a PhD from the University of York (UK) and has published in the South African Journal of Philosophy, Political Studies Review, Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Green Theory and Praxis Journal and the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. His research interests are activism, animal rights, multiculturalism, philosophy of race and LGBT.
Andrea Marais-Potgieter has a degree in Journalism and a Masters in Psychology. She is currently busy with her PhD and aims to contribute to the new and exciting field of EcoPsychology that addresses the pathological relationship humans have with nature and animals. Andrea has done qualitative research across 15 African countries over the past 6 years and has extensive experience in branding, marketing and strategy. She is passionate about Jungian analysis, Ecofeminist theory, Symbolism and Activism.