I am the Director of Debate at Binghamton University where I also teach courses out..
1. Please introduce yourself. Hi, I’m Meneka (like “Monica”). I am an artist, scholar, teacher,..
We’ve discovered that critical animal studies mean different things to different people. Here are the..
My name is Stephanie Eccles. I recently completed an undergraduate degree from the University of..
We are going to visit Big Sky Sanctuary on the Sunday after the conference! The..
There is a lot happening in the Oceania chapter right now! We are happy to..
The ICAS Oceania CFP deadline has been extended to March 28, 2015. More conference information..
Phil Africa, a high-ranking member of MOVE, a Philadelphia-based revolutionary/activist organization started in 1972, died..
What catalyzed your activism? Ever since I was a little person, I have always been..