2007 Conference
6th Annual
Center on Animal Liberation Affairs
Bringing Human/Animal
Studies into Academia: Issues and Moral Dilemmas
Center on Animal Liberation Affairs
Bringing Human/Animal
Studies into Academia: Issues and Moral Dilemmas
April 7, 2007
Hosted at the University of Maine in Orono
Sponsored by the Center on Animal Liberation Affairs
Animal Liberation Philosophy and Policy Journal
Book of the Year for 2007
The book will be reviewed by the conference committee who will then select the Animal Liberation Philosophy and Policy Journal Book of the Year for 2007.
Books due by February 30, 2007.
Winner will be Notified by March 20, 2007.
Please send all books with phone-number, e-mail, a biography of author(s) or editor(s), and a 200 word description of the book to:
Attn: Conference Committee
264 French St.
Bangor, Maine 04401
264 French St.
Bangor, Maine 04401