Information for this post was gathered from the book American Holocaust: The Conquest of the..
1. Critique: Pointing out weaknesses or flaws with the status quo. Critique is an expression..
Veganism of Color (2018, edited by Julia Feliz Brueck) Forget everything you’ve heard from mainstream..
Vegans Boycotting #Thanksgenocide: This campaign is asking all animal advocacy groups to promote social justice,..
Blackfish (2013): Blackfish tells the story of Tilikum, a performing killer whale that killed several..
There are more than five reasons to not support fireworks through not buying them or..
While it is perhaps impossible to accurately reflect CAS in just 5 articles as it..
Here are the Top Five Problematic Tactics that are EXCLUSIVE Within the Animal Liberation Movement…
May 2018 Top Five Books on Animal Liberation and Blackness ______________ The Nature of Whiteness..
TOP FIVE MISTAKES ABOUT CRITICAL ANIMAL STUDIES Critical Animal Studies is only for academics Critical..