ICAS 2019 Submission of Awards and Scholar
ICAS is bringing back the Annual Awards.
For 2019 we are Accepting Awards
Deadline is Nov 1. 2019
send submissions to – criticalanimalstudies@gmail.com
Annual Scholars
Britches Scholar of the Year: Founded in 2010, ICAS recognizes one graduate student from around the world who is working theoretically and practically on advancing animal rights activism and/or alternatives to animal studies and research. If you are interested in being an ICAS Britches Scholar of the Year please send 1) a 500 to 1000 word statement detailing your accomplishments, academic work, advocacy, and academic and political goals, 2) three recommendation letters, and 3) your CV. The Scholars position is a one year appointment.
Tyke Scholar of the Year: Founded in 2010, ICAS recognizes one graduate student from around the world who is working theoretically and practically on advancing alternatives to violence, domestication, and/or animal entertainment. If you are interested in being an ICAS Tyke Scholar of the Year please send 1) a 500 to 1000 word statement detailing your accomplishments, academic work, advocacy, and academic and political goals, 2) three recommendation letters, and 3) your CV. The Scholars position is a one year appointment.
Hilda Scholar of the Year: Founded in 2012, ICAS recognizes one graduate student from around the world who is working theoretically and practically on advancing alternatives to the agricultural industrial complex, slaughterhouses, factory farms, dairy farms, and other exploitative violent agricultural practices used for food, clothes, medicine, and other nonhuman animal based products. If you are interested in being an ICAS Hilda Scholar of the Year please send 1) a 500 to 1000 word statement on your accomplishments, academic work, advocacy, and academic and political goals, 2) three recommendations, and 3) your CV. The position is a one year appointment.
Annual Awards
Critical Animal Studies Media of the Year: For outstanding media such as documentaries, films, books, visual art, operas, plays, and music in the field of critical animal studies. The media cannot be older than three years. We stress that critical animal studies includes any topic, issue, or concern (from environmentalism to prisoners’ rights) that promotes the protection, liberation, and freedom of animals in the world and is based not only on theory, but in practice as well. The media can come from any discipline or topic including, but not limited to, international studies, ethnic studies, gender studies, religion, sociology, environmentalism, critical animal studies, social work, biology, history, economics, public administration, criminology, philosophy, anthropology, chemistry, medicine, agriculture, political science, disability studies and information studies. To nominate media for this award, send the media to the address below (i.e. a book you are nominating).
Critical Animal Studies Undergraduate Paper/Project/Thesis of the Year: Awarded to an undergraduate student who has written an outstanding paper/thesis that promotes, or who has established and organized a project that fosters animal protection, liberation, and freedom. We are strongly interested in projects that bridge the gap between academia and the surrounding community. To nominate an undergraduate student for this award, the nominator must write a one page letter and include the paper or write a one page detailed description of the project.
Critical Animal Studies Graduate Paper/Project/Dissertation of the Year: Awarded to any graduate student working on a masters or doctorate degree who has written an outstanding paper/thesis that promotes, or who has established and organized a project that fosters animal protection, liberation, and freedom. We are strongly interested in projects that bridge the gap between academia and the surrounding community. To nominate a graduate student for this award, the nominator must write a one page letter and include the paper or write a one page detailed description of the project.
Critical Animal Studies Faculty Paper/Project of the Year: Awarded to a faculty member conducting research or working at a college, university or institute who has written an outstanding paper that promotes, or who has established and organized a project that fosters, animal protection, liberation, and freedom. We are strongly interested in projects that bridge the gap between academia and the surrounding community. To nominate a professor for this award, the nominator must write a one page letter and include the paper or write a one page detailed description of the project.