Two New Members of the Board of Executive Directors
The Institute for Critical Animal Studies is excited and honored to invite on the Board of Executive Directors two new scholars – Dr. Lara Drew from Australia and Terry Hurtado from Colombia. Lara will be heading up the monthly and annual awards and the monthly activist-scholarly spotlight. Terry will be helping with Board Relations and Total Liberation Campaigns and Reports.
Terry Hurtado (Colombia)
1. Animals in warfare and peacebuilding
2. Water and livestock
3. Perception, Imagination of/with animals
4. Indigenous autonomy
Terry Hurtado is an activist and independent researcher based in Cali, Colombia. Holds an MSc in Holistic Science. Currently is board member of the Federación de Liberación Animal, from which he runs the Animal Liberation School and is director of Vida Libre (free life) magazine. He is exploring ways of activism through imagination and embodied experience, as the Imagining Cow Being workshop. Works in the Association of Indigenous Councils of the North Cauca region on ethnomathematics. He is also interested in anarchism, social ecology and deep ecology.
Lara Drew (Australia)
Project Director, ICAS Oceania
1. Radical Education
2. Anarchism
3. Animal Activism
4. Feminism and the Body
Lara is passionate about social justice and is a committed activist on a range of issues. This passion for social justice has seen a broadening of interest in both human and animal rights. Lara is an artist and uses charcoal, pencil and pen for portraiture and political statements often using her art as a form of advocacy. She holds a Bachelor of ‘Community Education’ and Honours in ‘Social and Community Studies’ from the University of Canberra. She is currently doing a PhD at the University of Canberra examining the animal advocacy movement and its intrinsic link to radial forms of education. Generally, the educational methods directly influence the practice of advocacy and learning essentially determining how effective advocates are. Through narrative analysis informed by visual imagery, Lara’s PhD research plans to examine the implications of the ways in which advocates go about educating other advocates for social change. Finally, Lara also illustrated a book “Love and Liberation: An Animal Liberation Front Story” by Anthony Nocella and Sarat Colling.