Nov 22 to Nov 28 2015 – Protest the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act: Support Our Activists
Nov 22 to Nov 28 2015 – Protest the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act: Support Our Activists
This year’s national week of action against the AETA will focus on showing support for Tyler Lang, who will be sentenced under the AETA on December 18, 2015 for releasing thousands of mink from fur farms. Please attend his hearing in Chicago if you can:
We also want to show support for Nicole and Joseph
Nicole Kissane and Joseph Buddenberg who were arrested and federally indicted for Conspiracy to Violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act—Title 18, U.S.C., Section 43 (a) (1), (2) (c) and (b) (3) (A), for alleged economic damage to the fur industry. On Monday, December 21st at 2pm, Nicole and Joseph have a scheduled court appearance for a motions hearing. A trial date is also expected to be set at this court appearance. If you would like to show support in person:
See below for event ideas. The main action we are asking for is individuals and groups to post pictures here demonstrating support for Tyler from Nov. 22-28 (the AETA was signed into law on Nov. 27, 2006). This action can be as simple as posting a picture holding up a sign that says: “I Support Tyler Lang” and/or “End the AETA.” See below for more ideas and info. about the AETA. We will share your messages with Tyler, Nicole and Joseph who need the love and support of all liberation communities at this time (and beyond). Hashtags include: #ISupportTyler #AgainstTheAETA #SupportNicoleandJoseph
Protest Against the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act National Week entails talks, workshops, film viewings, protests, and online actions to educate the public about federal laws that specifically target animal advocates whose work attempts to stop a person or company from profiting from the use of nonhuman animals (which could include nearly all types of non-reformist activism, from protests to liberatory actions).
In effect, AETA labels activists as terrorists, a chilling reality that every activist of every cause should care about because this is a civil liberties and rights issue. The AETA has been covered by almost every major paper in the US and is one of the most unconstitutional laws since COINTELPRO, a program established in the 1950s by the FBI that targeted the civil rights, anti-war, and Native American movements.
To understand more about the targeting of activists and the AETA, read *Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?* (2004), *Igniting a Revolution* (2006), *Muzzling a Movement* (2010), *Green is the New Red* (2011), *The Terrorization of Dissent* (2014), and *Total Liberation: The Power and Promise of Animal Rights and the Radical Earth Movement* (2014).
The events can be small with two people or large with hundreds. You can do a potluck with a talk about the AETA, a meet-up at a cafe, hold a banner with two people in front of a federal building for an hour and take pictures, hold individual signs that say #AgainstTheAETA or #QuestionAETA. Show a film or organize a panel lecture. Some other ideas include banner drops off bridges, protests in front of a court houses and capitol or federal buildings, or a workshop/teachin-in on why dissent and liberation are not terrorism.
Take a picture of I am against the AETA PDF personal sign.