Call for Presentations for Oceania Conference

kanga-love2nd Annual Oceania Conference for Critical Animal Studies are now calling for papers (activist and academic) for their upcoming conference.

The event is set to be held in Melbourne, April 26-27, 2014. The organizers state that “[i]f you are interested in fostering holistic, intersectional social justice spaces and promoting solidarity with different oppressed groups with an aim towards total liberation in the Oceania region, then this conference is for you!” The call for papers has begun. Topics, we read on the official ICAS Oceania blog, may include:

– Comparative analysis of live export controversies across countries and regions (i.e. Indonesia and Australia)- The dispute over whaling in the Southern Oceans- Palm oil deforestation- Cultural disputes over different “food” animals (i.e., dogs, kangaroos, dolphins)- Masculinities and Sexualities (i.e., hunting, ‘meat and masculinity’)- Global warming and its effects in Oceania

– Eco-ability

– Direct action analysis and tactics specific to the region

– Ocean preservation and debates (i.e. shark culling)

– The continuation of colonisation and western imperialism as it relates to nonhuman and human animals

– Growing threat of police and state repression of activists

– The debates between welfarism and total liberation as situated in Oceania

– Education and the animal industrial complex

– Literary and cinematic representations of other animals

– Critical theory and other animals

– Humanism and posthumanism

– Intersectionality and CAS

– Education, vivisection, and alternatives

– Sustainability

– History of activism in Oceania

– Wildlife conservation in Oceania (i.e., traditional conservation vs. “compassionate conservation”)

The organizers engourage presenters to apply for the conference by sending a 500 word abstract of the presentation or workshop, accompanied by a short biographical note by January 30, 2014 to

Check their website for tickets soon.
