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VOLUME 12, ISSUE 2, May 2014


PDF – JCAS Volume 12, Issue 2, May 2014


Word Doc. – JCAS Volume 12, Issue 2, May 2014


Special Issue Guest Editors

Kimberly Ann Socha, Judy K.C. Bentley, and JL Schatz


An Introduction to Eco-Ability: The Struggle for Justice, with Focus on Humans with
Disabilities and Nonhuman Animals
Kimberly Ann Socha, Judy K.C. Bentley, and JL Schatz
Pg. 1-8



An Interview with Sunaura Taylor
Erica Grossman
Pg. 9-16


Grace for a Cure: Poisoned Ethics and Disabled-Nonhuman Images
A. Marie Houser
Pg. 17-37


Foreignness and Animal Ethics: A Secular Vision of Human and Constructed Social Disability
Anna Pinchuk
Pg. 38-50


Applying the Argument from Marginal Cases to the Protection of Animal Subjects in Research: A Blueprint for Studying Nonhuman Animals in a Post-vivisection World
Cynthia Radnitz
Pg. 51-83


Intersectionality and the Nonhuman Disabled Body: Challenging the Neocapitalist Techno-scientific Reproduction of Ableism and Speciesism
Zach Richter
Pg. 84-94


Animal Crips
Sunaura Taylor
Pg. 95-117


Ability Privilege: A Needed Addition to Privilege Studies
Gregor Wolbring
Pg. 118-141




As the World Burns: 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Stay in Denial (2007)
Talitha May
Pg. 142-153


Avatar (2009) and District 9 (2009) – Animals, Aliens, and (Dis)abled Bodies: A Post-structural, Comparative Analysis
Rebekah Sinclair
Pg. 154-179


JCAS: Submission Guidelines
Pg. 180-181
