VOLUME 8, ISSUE 1 and 2 (2010)


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ISSN: 1948-352X



Volume 8, Issues 1 and 2, 2010

Editorial Board, Table of Contents, and Editorial

Richard J. White, Chief Editor
Pgs. 1- 7




“Green” Eggs and Ham? The Myth of Sustainable Meat and the Danger of the Local
Vasile Stănescu
Pgs. 8-32


My Pet Needs Philosophy: Ambiguity, Capabilities and the Welfare of Domestic Dogs
Heather Hillsburg
Pgs. 33-46


From Marginal Cases to Linked Oppressions: Reframing the Conflict between the Autistic Pride and Animal Rights Movements
Daniel Salomon
Pgs. 47-72




The Love Whose Name Cannot be Spoken: Queering the Human-Animal Bond
Carmen Dell’Aversano
Pgs. 73-125


Animal Absolutes: Liberation Sociology’s Missing Links –  Part II of II essays on animals and normative sociology
David Sztybel
Pgs. 126-175




Abolition a Multi-Tactical Movement Strategy
Anthony J. Nocella, II
Pgs. 176-183


Healing Our Cuts
Anthony J Nocella, II
Pgs. 184-187




! For the abolition of the bullfight, the people took the streets ¡
Center of Abolitionist Studies for Animal Liberation
Pgs. 188-191




Interview with Anthony J. Nocella, II on Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic Industrial Complex (co-edited with Steven Best and Peter McLaren, AK Press, 2010)
Richard J White
Pgs. 192-198


Interview with animal liberation activist and former political prisoner Peter Young
Laura Shields
Pgs. 199-203


Interview with author, anarchist and feminist Abbey Willis
Laura Shields
Pgs. 204-208




9th Annual Conference for Critical Animal Studies, SUNY Cortland, New York
Sarat Colling
Pgs. 209-211


1st Annual European Conference for Critical Animal Studies, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Jessica Groling
Pgs. 212-215




Animal Encounters by Tom Tyler, Manuela Rossini, and Manuela S. Rossini (2009)
Reviewed by Amy L. Fletcher
Pgs. 216-221


Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs: An Inside Look At The Modern Poultry Industry by Karen Davis (2009)
Reviewed by Dylan Ravenfox
Pgs. 222-225




The Cove (2009)
Reviewed by Laura Shields
Pgs. 226-230


Disgrace (2008)
Reviewed by Jacqueline Dalziell
Pgs. 231-240