Call for Host for the 2016 15th Annual North American Conference for Critical Animal Studies


Deadline January 1, 2016

Host will be announced the week of January 11, 2016.

PDF of this Call – Click Here

The Institute for Critical Animal Studies (ICAS) is calling for hosts for the 2016 North American Conference for Critical Animal Studies. While there are a number of people involved in ICAS that can host the conference we would like to open the hosting possibility to everyone in North America. We do ask that the host is strongly familiar with ICAS and CAS, and of course an (1) activist and (2) anarchist and (3) supportive of the Animal Liberation Front, (4) total liberation, and (5) intersectionality.

ICAS is rooted in animal liberation and influenced by anarchism, is an intersectional transformative holistic theory-to-action activist-scholarly global center to strive to support, examine, explain and be in solidarity with radical and revolutionary actions, theories, groups and movements for total liberation and to dismantle all systems of domination and oppression, in hopes for a just, equitable, inclusive, respectful, and peaceful world.

We are ideally looking for a host that can meet the following requirements and suggest outlining which conditions can be met when sending us your proposal to host: (1) able to reserve at least four accessible rooms in the same building that hold twenty-five people each – one room able to hold one to two hundred people, (2) access to four laptops to stream the conference online, (3) Skype access for presenters, (4) free parking and accessible parking on the weekends, (5) airport in the city of the college/university, (7) free transportation or rolling/walking distance from college/university, (8) student involvement, (9) department support, (10) free room and technology use, (11) technology assistance, (12) at least twenty free tables for organizations, (13) able to have free wi-fi for attendees of the conference, (14) assistance in pick and drop off of the airport of attendees, (15) able to have organic vegan food served on the campus, (16) organize a political prisoner letter writing workshop, and (17) and able to assist in organizing a rally, protest, or activist event during the conference. Note, ICAS does not have funds to cover any expenses, but will help in organizing and promoting the annual conference. Funding comes directly from registration costs.

We would like the dates of the conference to happen during the month of November 2016, but will be open to other dates. Please specify the date when submitting your proposal.


If you are interested in being a host please contact us at:
